While many things fuel these unhealthy patterns, what can be done to fuel healthy patterns of thought and behavior?
Become aware of all the things that fuel unhealthy, negative beliefs about the human body and do what you can to reduce or eliminate those things in your life. That could include people who constantly focus on their need to lose weight or their desires to do unhealthy things. It could be TV shows, movies, magazines, or social media outlets that focus on “the perfect body”, show immodest images that perpetuate the idea you have to look a certain way in order to be attractive, or it could be your own habitual thoughts about yourself and others.
- Surround yourself as much as you can with truly healthy, happy people who radiate joy, give of themselves, and are grateful. Think about how awesome and miraculous the physical body is! Isn’t it amazing that our eyes can see, our ears can hear, our lungs breathe, our hearts beat, and our blood flows? The body is amazing!
- Practice self-care and gratitude. Do what you can to meet your basic physical needs well. Could you benefit from getting more sleep, eating more vegetables, or getting more exercise? An easy form of self-care is to notice everything you can be grateful for and celebrate life!
Intentionally feed your mind positive thoughts about yourself, your body, and your life. People are like different kinds of flowers in a garden. A crocus isn’t meant to be a rose. A daisy isn’t meant to be a lily. We can all be unique and beautiful just the way we are. Self-acceptance and self-care help us give all we can to the beauty of the whole garden.
To your health and happiness,
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