How to Manage Christmas Chaos Would you like to have the best Christmas season ever? With Thanksgiving now over and Christmas around the corner, our opportunity to create happy and memorable experiences is right now! Want some tips? Tina’s Tips for Creating a Meaningful, Fulfilling Christmas Season Decide what you want to experience. Plan and […]
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Tag: stress relief
Huge Stress Relieving Habit!
What do you do to relieve stress around mealtime? Have you ever thought, “What should I eat”, go to the fridge, and find … nothing appetizing? Do you grab whatever is there regardless of how healthy it is? I joke that I can always tell you what’s for dinner at my house: Whatever’s fastest! 🙂 […]
Why I Do What I Do
Welcome! On this first post, I just want to share why I do what I do so you can get a feel for me and my mission. My mission is to help people reduce stress and create more joy in their lives. In hindsight, I see that I was working on this mission very early […]